EMEWORK Program 2014/2015

2014-2015 Schedule:


October 7, 5pm - James Shaw  (The University of Sheffield): “The form is the cloak, not the spirit’: Equity in Early Modern Venetian Contract Disputes.” Harvard Law School - WCC (Wasserstein Hall) room 4059.  Co-sponsored by the Law and History Workshop of the Harvard Law School and the workshop in Early Modern History of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.


October 22, 5pm - Pedro Cardim  (Universidad Nova, Lisbon): “To Obey from Afar. Salvador da Bahia’s City Council and the Governance of the Portuguese Atlantic during the 17th century.”  Robinson Hall, Basement seminar room.  Co-sponsored by the Robert C. Smith, Jr. Fund for Portuguese Studies, Department of Romance Languages and Literature.


November 17, 5 pm: Hannah Marcus  (visiting fellow, Stanford): "From a Medical Republic of Letters to the Index of Prohibited Books," Robinson Hall, Basement seminar room.  Co-sponsored by the workshop in Early Modern History, the Humanities Center Seminar in Book History and the Early Science Working Group.


January 8-9 - Harvard Princeton graduate seminar (held at Princeton).


March 9: Manuel Covo (Lecturer in History, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris) / Paris X University, France), "Negotiating Citizenship through the Market: 'New Citizens' and the Atlantic Trade in Revolutionary Saint-Domingue." Co-sponsored by the Afro-Latin American Research Institute.


March 27, 5 pm – Christine Zabel (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany): "Missed Chances and Bad Bets: Speculation and Bankruptcy in Premodern Europe." 


April 8: Roquinaldo Ferreira (Brown University), "From Brazil to West Africa: Dutch-Portuguese rivalry and African politics in the Bight of Benin (ca. 1637- ca. 1750)."


April 22, 5pm - Thomas Duve (Director, Max Planck for Legal History, Frankfurt), Title TBA, Robinson Hall, Lower Library.


April 28, Daniel Juette (Society of Fellows, Harvard), "Window Gazes and World Views: A Chapter in the Cultural History of Vision."